Error Messages

You may encounter one or more of the following error messages while using the Dual Investment product.

Error Message


Please connect wallet

Connect your MetaMask wallet to complete your transaction. Click Connect wallet in the upper right corner of the website.

Please switch to the Berachain network

Vault Creation Error Messages

Yield value must be greater or equal to 0.01%

The valid range for the Yield field starts at a minimum of 0.01%. Enter 0.01 or greater number.

Please fill in Linked Price

Select a Linked Price value from the dropdown list.

Please fill in Yield

Enter a value in the Yield field. The valid range for the Yield field is 0.01%-200%.

Please fill in Expiry

Select a date from the Expiry dropdown list.

Please fill in Quantity

Enter an amount in the Quantity field to represent the maximum total quota for your vault.

The Quantity must be a whole number greater than zero

If the deposit currency is USDC, the value you enter in the Quantity field must be a whole number greater than zero (no decimals).

The Quantity must be greater than zero with a maximum of X decimal place(s)

If the deposit currency is a token such as BTC or ETH, you can enter a value with decimal places up to the number shown.

Subscribe Error Messages

The vault is expiring, subscription is not allowed

The vault

Please fill in Subscription Amount

Enter a value in the Subscription Amount to complete your transaction.

The Subscription Amount you entered exceeds your available balance

Enter a value that is less than or equal to the amount shown for your Available balance (from your MetaMask wallet).

Exceeds maximum vault Quantity, please check Remaining Quota for the available quantity remaining

Enter an amount that is less than or equal to the amount shown in the Remaining Quota field.

The amount must be a whole number greater than zero

If the deposit currency is USDC, the value you enter in the Quantity field must be a whole number greater than zero (no decimals).

The amount must be greater than zero with a maximum of X decimal place(s)

If the deposit currency is a token such as BTC or ETH, you can enter a value with decimal places up to the number shown.

This vault has configuration errors. Unfortunately you will not be able to Subscribe at this time.

Due to an error during the configuration and funding of the vault, the vault cannot currently be subscribed to. Your funds were not deposited into the vault.

Last updated