Viewing your vaults

After creating a vault, you can view it by using the My Vaults table filter.

To view your vaults:

  1. Click the My Vaults tab above the table.

  2. Click View to see the details of an active vault.

Note the following:

  • Remaining Qty shows the amount that has not yet been subscribed to against the total Quantity you set.

  • Swap Status shows you if the deposited currency has been Swapped or Unswapped at expiration based on the Linked Price and market price at expiration. Swapped means the Linked Price was achieved and your deposit currency was swapped for the other currency in the pair; you will also receive your yield reward in the other currency. Unswapped means the Linked Price was not achieved, thus your deposit is not swapped and your principal is returned to you plus your yield reward. This field will be completed at vault expiration.

  • On the right under Return Overview, click the Above Price/Below Price tabs to model how much of your deposited currencies would be returned to you based on current deposits and Linked Price outcome.

  • Cancel Remaining: Click this button to close the vault to new subscriptions. See Cancel new subscriptions to a vault.

  • Withdraw: Click this button to withdraw your funds after expiry. See Withdrawing from you vault.

Last updated