Vault Liquidity
For every vault, the Vault Creator deposits the necessary liquidity to cover the two potential scenarios:
1) Linked Price Reached
2) Linked Price Not Reached
Since a vault's configuration always includes yield, the Vault Creator must deposit the required yield in both tokens to cover the two possible settlement scenarios.
Simplified example: WETH-USDC Buy Low
Investment Token
Linked Token
Buy Low
In a Buy Low vault:
The Vault Creator sets the maximum quantity of the Linked Token (WETH) they are willing to sell at the Linked Price.
Subscribers deposit Investment token (USDC) into the vault for a chance to purchase the Linked Token at the Linked Price.
The Vault Creator also deposits Investment Tokens (USDC) to provide yield if the Linked Price is not reached.
Here is the deposit formula for creating a Buy Low vault :
Linked token: Quantity / LinkedPrice * (1 +yield)
Investment token: Quantity * yield
When linked price is reached:
Vault subscribers receive linked token (WETH) at the Linked Price based on their deposits, plus yields in the linked token (WETH).
Vault Creator receives the Subscribers' Investment token (USDC) + investment token (USDC) that the creator initially deposited.
When linked price is not reached:
Vault subscribers receives the Investment token (USDC) that was deposited initially + yield in the Investment token (USDC).
The vault creator receives the linked token (WETH) that was deposited initially. The investment token (USDC) that the creator deposited is paid out in yields to the subscribers.
Simplified example: WETH-USDC Sell High
Investment Token
Linked Token
Sell High
In a Sell High vault:
The Vault Creator sets a maximum quantity of the investment Token (WETH) they are willing to buy at the Linked Price.
Subscribers deposit the investment token (WETH) into the vault for a chance to sell it for the linked Token (USDC) at the Linked Price.
The Vault Creator also deposits investment tokens (WETH) to fund yields if the Linked Price is not reached.
Here is the deposit formula for creating a Sell High vault:
Investment token: Quantity * yield
Linked token: Quantity * LinkedPrice * (1 +yield)
When linked price is reached:
Vault subscribers receives the linked token (USDC) + yields in the linked token (USDC).
The vault creator receives the subscriber’s investment token (WETH) at the linked price + investment token (USDC) that the creator initially deposited.
When linked price is not reached:
The subscriber receives the investment token (WETH) that was deposited initially + the yield in the investment token (WETH).
The vault creator receives the linked token (USDC) that was deposited initially. The investment token (WETH) that the creator deposited is paid out in yields to the subscribers.