Download the latest copy of CLI tools here: Step 1: Download the source code
Step 2: Use a code editor to open the file
Step 3: Copy the file and remove “example” from the name
config.example.json -> config.json
create-vaults.example.csv -> create-vaults.csv
Step 4: Fill in the config.json parameter
- The chain’s RPC node. You can find Berachain Testnet public RPC node here:
Copy any one of the link shown on the website
- The wallet address
- The wallet’s private key
Step 5: Change the create-vaults.csv parameter (You can also open the CSV file with Excel or other spreadsheet app)
CreationDate - The date when the vault will be created
Network - The blockchain network where the vault will be created
TradingPair - The token asset pair
LinkedPrice - The target price at which you want to buy or sell your crypto token at
YieldPercentage - The reward offered to subscribers
ExpireDate - The expiration date of the vault
Direction - The vault strategy. “Buy Low” or “Sell High” Only
Quantity - The amount of digital asset to be bought or sold
Hedge - Experimental feature, please leave it blank for now
Step 6: Once you fill-up the parameter, save both the config.json & create-vaults.csv file
Step 7: Install dependencies.
Step 8: Run the batch_runner.ts
Step 9: Once the vault is created, you will see the message “Vault created successfully”.