Step-by-step guide: Creating a vault

  1. Head over to the “Create a vault” section at the top left hand corner.

  1. Select an asset pair from the asset dropdown list and choose a direction (Buy Low or Sell High).

  1. Select the Linked Price from the drop-down bar, then input the Yield, followed by the expiry date and then the quantity of the vault. Once you have done so, Click on “Create Vault”.

  1. Click Confirm and process the wallet transaction to complete the vault creation.

  2. It is important to note that once a vault is created, the parameters of the vault cannot be changed as every single vault is an immutable smart contract.

  3. A vault has the following fields:





Linked Price

A price that you choose to offer for Subscribers to buy or sell an asset at.


The yield you offer to users to subscribe to the vault.

This is represented as APY to Subscribers in the table. See APY and Reward Calculations.

Expiration Date

The date on which the subscription expires and the set Linked Price is checked to determine settlement scenarios. The market price at expiration is captured using the last reported oracle price for the base asset at 16:00 (UTC+8) on the Expiry date.


The maximum amount of the investment tokens that can be subscribed to this vault.

Deposit Amount

(Read only) The amount of both the Investment token and linked token you will need to deposit to cover the maximum potential yield based on the Quantity and the final settlement scenario.